
Flameshot screenshot
Flameshot screenshot

flameshot screenshot
  1. Flameshot screenshot how to#
  2. Flameshot screenshot install#
  3. Flameshot screenshot download#

For me it is the best app to make screenshots available for Gnu / Linux at the moment.īut as in everything, it is a matter of taste. It is a very complete option with infinite options.

flameshot screenshot

The other alternative that personally convinces me the most is Shutter. It is a well-known application that also allows you to capture the screen on video. We can remove this program from our computer by opening a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and writing the following command in it: sudo apt remove flameshot Alternatives to FlameShot for taking screenshots in UbuntuĪlthough this is a tool that is worth trying, I want to emphasize that there are several applications of this type, which are very good alternatives to FlameShot, one of them is Kazam. If we are interested in seeing the news about this project, we can do it from your GitHub page. If we opt for this second option, once opened, we will only have to move to the directory in which we have saved the file and write the following command in it: sudo dpkg -i flameshot_0.5.0_b

Flameshot screenshot install#

Once the package is downloaded, we can install it either by using the Software application of our Ubuntu or by opening a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T). Although for Debian-based distributions, we can install this tool only downloading your.

Flameshot screenshot download#

  • Mouse wheel → Change the thickness of the tool.Īs FlameShot is a free and open source software, you can download and install it on practically any Gnu / Linux distribution by compiling the source code.
  • SHIFT + arrow key → Resize selection 1px.
  • flameshot screenshot

    Many of these options can be accessed by pressing the shortcuts with the application in focus: The program puts at our disposal a pencil with which we can draw, but it is really difficult to write with it. So I think I can assure you that there is no GUI option to configure these options.ĭespite being an interesting open source annotation and screenshot tool for Gnu / Linux, as a user I really miss the possibility of adding text to the screenshots. The app also has a decent set of command line options to control things like delay and save paths.Come on, it will allow us to edit the captures from the application itself. It has an interactive GUI with controls to select the desired capture region, move and resize the capture. It will allow us to edit the capture with lines, arrows, squares, circles and move capture o resize it. Flameshot is a program for taking screenshots.If we upload it to the cloud, the generated URL will be automatically copied to our clipboard ready to paste elsewhere. Later we can modify it for later save it locally o upload it to Imgur. The application will allow us to take a capture of our entire screen or of a specific section.Its main characteristic, which is important to highlight, is the usability.5 Alternatives to FlameShot for taking screenshots in Ubuntu.flatpak – universal Linux packages run in sandbox. Appimage – single executable to launch the screenshot tool. flameshot_ubuntu_0.8.0-1_bįor older Ubuntu releases, grab the. Then install it by either GDebi, or running command in terminal: cd ~/Downloads & sudo apt install. Go to the release page at the link below, scroll down, and select download an installer package:įor Ubuntu 20.04, grab the “ flameshot_ubuntu_0.8.0-1_b” package.

    Flameshot screenshot how to#

    How to Install Flameshot 0.8.0 in Ubuntu 20.04 / 18.04:

  • Fix capture after pressing ctrl + S during textarea input.
  • Add option to auto copy URL after upload Flameshot offers almost all the essential features that you would ever require on a screenshot tool in Linux.
  • Add option to close after capture (buggy at the moment.).
  • Add support for saving as JPG and BMP files.
  • Allow enter key to copy image to clipboard.
  • If the thickness is increased past 1 the image will pixelate by the thickness. If the “thickness” is 0 or 1, the old blur behavior is preserved. The blur tool has been replaced by pixelate tool. It added a button in left-side of screen to open the sidebar, which was previously only accessible by hitting Space on keyboard. Flameshot, powerful yet simple to use screenshot tool, released version 0.8.0 with new editing tools, improvements, and many fixes.įlameshot 0.8.0 added the popular requested circle counter tool.

    Flameshot screenshot